UK border agency has recently alerted about a number of scam e-mails and websites claiming to be sent and operated by them. The scams that are aware of include: Foreign criminals advertising fake UK jobs on the internet. Individuals that apply are told they have a job and are directed to a link to pay for visa and work permit fees. These websites are not operated by UK border agency, and you should not click on any of the links or pay any money; Students at a number of UK universities have received calls from individuals who claim they work for the UK Border Agency, giving a false name and a return phone number. These calls are not from the UK Border Agency. The caller may appear to be genuine and convincing and explain that there is a serious problem with your immigration status.
If you believe that you received a suspicious call or e-mail, or come across a suspicious website: Do not give out any personal information, or confirm that any personal information they have is correct, Do not make any payment or Do report the matter online to action fraud (www.actionfraud.police.uk) or by calling Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.
You should always access the official UK Border Agency website by typing:www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk into your internet browser. Official UK government websites will have a .gov.uk at the end of their website address. When e-mailing them, you should also ensure that the e-mail address is genuine. The following examples are what you would expect when receiving or sending an email to us: name.surname@UKBA.gsi.gov.uk orname.surname@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk.