Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Anonymous attacks Israeli websites

Hacking group Anonymous has launched a series of cyber attacks against websites in Israel. The OpIsrael campaign was launched by the hacking collective in retaliation for attacks on Gaza.

Data bombardments briefly knocked some sites offline and led to others being defaced with pro-Palestinian messages.

The cyber attacks come as the Israeli army updates its web campaign adding "achievements" and "badges" for regular visitors.

Anonymous said it had launched the OpIsrael campaign following threats by the Israeli government to cut all Gaza`s telecommunication links. This, said the group in a statement posted to the AnonRelations website, "crossed a line in the sand".

"We are ANONYMOUS and NO ONE shuts down the Internet on our watch," it said.

The group warned the Israeli government not to cut off telecom and web links and urged it to end military operations in Gaza. If the attacks did not end, Israel would feel the group`s "full and unbridled wrath".

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